Do you have a message for Donald Trump and/or Jeff Sessions? What would that message be?
You are on the wrong side of history.
If you observe Sol, our star, every day at precisely the same time each day, and at precisely the same location for a year ; and plot on a graph where he appears in the sky, you will end up with a shape that resembles a diagonal infinity symbol, called an analemma.
Read MoreMarijuasana is lead by one of the best mindful movement teachers in the wellness and cannabis industry, Stacey Mulvey. Her events offer cannabis enthusiasts an opportunity to socialize and create a unique sensory experience with like-minded individuals in a soothing setting.
Read MoreNow This Weed with Marijuasana. This video features footage from a 420-friendly yoga pop-up in Boston, and Stacey Mulvey talks about the company she founded and why she teaches cannabis yoga.
Read MoreTo deal with pain, I have to exercise. Cannabis is an incentive to work out. I love that these classes have convinced cannabis consumers that yoga is something they want to try. Many decide that it’s for them afterwards.
Read MoreIt is becoming more and more accepted all the time that cannabis and exercise go hand in hand. Gone are the days when there were stigmas about cannabis making you lazy, or smoking making it impossible to work out. Now, cannabis is a part of many exercise routines, including, for many, yoga. That is why Stacey Mulvey founded Marijuasana
Read MoreI got 99 problems, and being a witch ain't one. Hit me.
Read MoreHere it is folks, 2 additional Crystal Reiki + Yin Yoga classes have been added to the Boston pop up this November. Reserve your space now,
Read MoreThis is concerning. An article in Forbes details how cannabis events are being pulled from the website with no explanation. The article links Marijuasana's Boston event as an example of the inconsistency of Eventbrite's policy.
Read MoreAnnouncing the new and improved! This website has been a long time in getting off the ground. When I look back on this year and the expectation I had for when it "should" have been be completed, I realize that:
I was so naive!
Read MoreStacey Mulvey launched Marijuasana where she now travels the U.S. and internationally teaching all-inclusive classes fusing the wonders of cannabis with yoga, flow, and mindfulness meditation.
Read MoreAt the beginning of 2017, I was teaching marijuana-friendly yoga and painting classes out of the Purple Mansion owned by Rom Kampia, the Executive Director of the Marijuana Policy Project. (Yes, it's really called the Purple Mansion. I did not make that up).
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