
If you observe Sol, our star, every day at precisely the same time each day, and at precisely the same location for a year ; and plot on a graph where he appears in the sky, you will end up with a shape that resembles a diagonal infinity symbol, called an analemma. 

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Now This Weed

Now This Weed with Marijuasana. This video features footage from a 420-friendly yoga pop-up in Boston, and Stacey Mulvey talks about the company she founded and why she teaches cannabis yoga.

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Culture Magazine

It is becoming more and more accepted all the time that cannabis and exercise go hand in hand. Gone are the days when there were stigmas about cannabis making you lazy, or smoking making it impossible to work out. Now, cannabis is a part of many exercise routines, including, for many, yoga. That is why Stacey Mulvey founded Marijuasana

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High Expectations Documentary

At the beginning of 2017, I was teaching marijuana-friendly yoga and painting classes out of the Purple Mansion owned by Rom Kampia, the Executive Director of the Marijuana Policy Project. (Yes, it's really called the Purple Mansion. I did not make that up).

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