Posts tagged Cannabis-Infused Yoga
KTNV Las Vegas - Channel 13

As cannabis acceptance grows, people are looking for ways to incorporate it into other parts of their lives. That includes exercise like yoga.

There are a lot of people who say merging marijuana and yoga isn’t really that much of a stretch.

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Forbes 5 Questions With Stacey Mulvey

Five questions is all that is asked- not your typical interview, nor the type of writing that is commonly in the know. As the wind swirls and groans just beyond the windows, the enlightenment of sharing thoughts becomes more tangible and pronounced. The practice that Stacey shares with cannabis is Yoga, and through her unique and healing mantra regarding the language of cannabis, her life form takes on new meaning.

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Now This Weed

Now This Weed with Marijuasana. This video features footage from a 420-friendly yoga pop-up in Boston, and Stacey Mulvey talks about the company she founded and why she teaches cannabis yoga.

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