Crystal Reiki Sound Bath and Yin Yoga

Crystal Reiki Sound Bath performing at a Marijuasana yin yoga class in Boston, Massachusetts. October 1, 2017

I met Sophia when she came to my cannabis yoga classes in Boston in August. I was teaching out of a private home located right off of Newbury Street. She spoke with me after class and said she thought that perhaps we could partner up in some way.

So I asked her what she did, and how she could work together, and she told me how she and her husband Mutlu played crystal singing bowls. 


This was crazy because I had driven from Cincinnati and on my way I had gone down a YouTube "rabbit hole" on this very topic. You know how your brain gets primed on a certain subject, and then you start seeing and hearing about it everywhere? I'm one of those people that takes synchronicity like this as a sign that the Universe wants me to pay attention. This was definitely one of those moments. So I got all of her contact information, and we ended up setting up an event together for when I was back in Boston the following month.

What is Yin Yoga?

Even thought we had never done anything together,  I knew that the class would be amazing, but my instincts told me that the hatha yoga class I usually taught wasn't going to be quite right for what we had in mind. So I decided to teach yin yoga to accompany the crystals singing bowls. I felt that the vibration coming from the crystals would have more resonance with poses that were meant to be slowly deepened as they are held for longer periods of time than the more common yoga. 

Yin yoga was conceived of by Paul Grilley. Essentially, you align your bones to the best of your ability, and allow yourself to surrender to gravity. It is deliberate, and passive, whereas "yang" yoga is more kinetic. You experience a sense of fragility, and deep awareness of your connective tissues. (It is fabulous).

More Classes Added!

Sophia, Mutlu and I knew we had something special after that first class and we knew we wanted to work together again. So we scheduled an event for November 11 at 6:00 pm. Well it SOLD OUT! The waitlist started stacking up, and we were getting several inquiries about adding another class.

So here it is folks, 2 additional Crystal Reiki + Yin Yoga classes have been added to the Boston pop up this November. Reserve your space now, it looks like they may both sell out!