My Cannabist Show Experience
My Cannabist Show Experience
I got to meet Jake Browne and Vince Chandler back in April of 2017 when I taught a Marijuasana class for a strain review that Jake did on Panama Punch. We had a blast, and I got to hang out with several staff members from The Cannabist and Pot Guide.
When I got invited to appear on the show as a guest I was thrilled! I've been a fan of The Cannabist since they began back in 2013, right before recreational cannabis went on sale in Colorado.
The episode was filmed on Wednesday October 17, 2017, so the previous Monday I drove out of my new home in Las Vegas to go be on the show. I staye with friends in Boulder and got a chance to teach a few of my CBD yoga classes while I was there. As I drove in to Colorado I realized how much I missed that state! The leaves were changing and it was breathtaking. (The Flatirons never get old). Anyway, drove down to Denver and was full of nervous energy as I checked in at the front desk of the Denver Post. Unable to sit, I paced around the lobby looking at the pictures they have on display. After a while the security guard told me that "they sometimes don't come down until 2:00". (Pretty sure he wanted to choke me). I caught the hint and sat down.
Vince escorted me up to the floor where the set for the show is located. The show gets produced in a section of the actual newspaper room, which looks just like you'd imagine: open cubicles and semi-bored looking reporters milling around. Turns out there was some brand new set furniture, and the first appearance of the coffee table and couch was that episode.
I met Janae Burris for the first time, and thanked her for letting me wear my dress. There had been some debate over whether I should wear yoga clothing or not, in case we would have me give a demonstration. I was really wanting to wear my Ralph Lauren polka dot dress, (because it's awesome), but especially since people see me in yoga clothing all the time. Since I teach for a living, yoga pants are essentially my daily uniform. (Not that I'm complaining, I just really wanted the chance to wear a dress). Janae gave me the go-ahead to wear the dress right before I left to drive down to the show.
Jake and Janae were so kind and friendly. Vince grabbed me some coffee in a kick-ass mug branded with The Cannabist logo (which I got to keep), as Jake and Janae started warming up for the show.
Show Time
The Week in Weed, significant because Lucky's Market decided to be pioneers with their decision to carry CBD and hemp products in all of their United States stores.
A Florida man on a Delta flight from Seattle to Bejing tried to open an exit door after ingesting edible marijuana , even hitting one flight attendant over the head with wine bottle.
Jeff Sessions is lobbying the House of Representatives to discard the Rohrabacher Farr amendment from the federal budget. It restricts the Department of Justice from using resources towards prosecuting medical marijuana patients and caregivers in states where marijuana is medically legal, as long as they are operating under state guidelines.
Longmont finally lifted the prohibition of recreational marijuana sales in that city, and decided to join the cannabis party. (I've spent time in Longmont. That city is indeed... slow. So I'm not at all surprised that they took so long to catch on).
Breaking in the Couch
Up until this point I was pretty nervous . But as soon as I sat down the anxiety lifted. Jake and Janae put out their awesome vibes and put me right at ease. We spoke about Marijuasana and how the movement I teach is somatically based. How class participants have the opportunity to be social and feel accepted for using cannabis in my yoga classes. I commented on Initiative 300 and expressed disappointment over the way officials in Denver had implemented it, and spoke about the hurdles I had to jump through in regards to the regulations in Washington, DC. I went into how I'd expanded Marijuasana to be more mobile with limited time events in cities nationwide, including my upcoming collaboration with The Novel Tree in Seattle. I found out that Jake is a Massachusetts native when I gave a shout out to the cannabis community there.
I also got a chance to answer Jake's question about what I thought about the competition among cannabis yoga teachers. I told him how I think it's silly for other cannabis yoga teachers to be jealous and defensive with each other and how I'm more comfortable with the fact that there are several of us thanks to my experience in the Pilates world. I think we should build each other up and support each other to form an overall movement. What we are doing can benefit humanity and we should hope that anyone that wants to practice ganja yoga finds a teacher that's best for them.
I spoke about how I believe that cannabis and yoga can induce a flow state, and how cannabis assists with all sorts of movement and physical fitness. Then I threw some shade at Jake for his performance in the class he took with me. So to get me back he made me play:
Pot or Not
I was absolutely terrible. I only got 6 answers correct! I do have the small consolation that I wasn't the worst player of all time, and I'm relieved that I knew Mango and Acapulco Gold were pot. I got informed that are Fallen Angel and Gorilla Grips are also strains. DJ Pooh? Not pot. Neither is Chronosaurus Rex. (But both of them should be!)
Then the show was over. Time flew by. Deepest thanks to the wonderful folks at the Cannabis Show for having me on. It was a genuine pleasure., and I hope to be back someday soon!